sweeden are getting ready for las vegas

Report from the Championship in Freestyle

2015-07-06 10:14
3 to 4 July settled Championships in freestyle in Sundsvall for ungdom-, junior and senior classes.Results The system was unfortunately down during most of the races, but now freestyle coach Sonny Broman reflected and summarized the championship in Sundsvall.

Sundsvall managed fine with the arrangement despite the last minute had to move to the new hall in Skönsberg. We from the freestyle team would like to say a big thank you for a well-executed SM arrangement.
We would have liked a larger number of contestants wrestler but those who braved the heat, vacation, distance and summer offered a wonderfully entertaining wrestling for two days. Not an uneventful match in two days with lots of grip and score, spectacular and crowd-pleasing situations. As an example, a heavyweight bout ended 18-14. We got to see young talent and older very talented wrestler, what amazing fristilare we have in the country! Amin, David Martin, Walter, Vusal, Måns, Albin, Pleasanton, Yunus, Elias, Jafar, Farid, Sven, Emil, Elchin, Adilet, Abu Kasmat and Robin, to name a few and they are many more. I sincerely thanks for the entertainment!
I can not help but mention a name to. Khalid Kerchiev from Björnekulla! I only say "oh oh oh". What talent and potential of the Chechen has. During the many years I have been in wrestling the turn, I have never seen a bigger talent in the Swedish championship. Swedish wrestling has a superstar at once if we can give him the potential to develop.
We now look forward with UEM in Serbia and, hopefully, a new super camp in early September, Brittish Open mm. Keep an eye on the website if, where, and when the camp is off.
Happy summer wish freestyle team.
Sonny Broman
Fristils ChampionshipFristils ChampionshipFristils-smFristils ChampionshipFristils ChampionshipFristils ChampionshipFristils Championship
Contributor: Hanna Westrin

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