south africa wrestling trial to hold

MANIE VAN DEN BERG (The Secretary General) +27 82 922 9411 Box 364, Evander, 2280, Mpumalanga, South Africa December 28, 2016 SAWF Cadet & JUNIOR LL, CA, LF TRIALS FOR 2017: SATURDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2017 VENUE: SASOL LEISURE CLUB SPORTS HALL, SECUNDA. NELSON MANDELA DRIVE, SECUNDA. GPS: S 26 * 31 206 E 29 * 11353 "DATE: 25 FEBRUARY 2017 (Saturday) Opening at 08h00. CLOSING DATE: 16 FEBRUARY 2017 (Thursday) ENTRY: R210-00 - Common. R66-00 - PDI, less privileged and Orphanage. See pt 3.s in the letter. NUMBER OF MATT: 2/3 MATT. MEDICAL AND weigh: 17H30-18h30 Friday, February 24, 2017 AGE GROUP: Cadet: LL. G & R LF: Born: 2000/2001/2002 JUNIOR: LL, G & R LF: Born: 1997/98/99/2000 SENIOR: LL, G & R LF: Born: 1999 and older. MASS LIST ON LAST PAGE. All entries will be sent to the SAWF Coaches Council to confirm or wrestler / wrestlers who meet the requirements for participation in the SAWF Trials

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