South Africa rising female wrestler

 Leanco Stans started wrestling as a young girl in a club where girls just didn’t wrestle. Thanks to her mother’s persistence and her own drive to succeed Leanco has grown into one of South  Africa’s top female wrestlers, from winning gold as a young Cadet at the 2012 Continental Championships, to participating in the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, to eventually winning a Bronze in a  tough Senior category at last year’s Continental Championship.
 Lallie (as she is known in wrestling) has taken another step on her journey to realising her dream. On the 28th of February, she left on what can only be called an opportunity of a lifetime after  having been selected by United World Wrestling to participate in the first of a series of training camps organised specifically to improve the level of woman’s wrestling in the Commonwealth  Countries.
 After the initial camps, Elite Female Wrestler Scholarships will be offered to a few commonwealth countries which show the most potential in women’s wrestling. South Africa has been identified  as one of the potential countries in Oceania that could greatly benefit from this initiative. Two scholarships could potentially be offered 1 full scholarship and 1 partial scholarship.  
 The first camp is underway in the Kourtane Olympic Training centre in Finland from 25th of February to the 3rd of March and will be used as a talent identification camp and help form the final  decision on the scholarship holders.
 Lallie staying on after the camp and will return on the 7th of March 2017. South African Wrestling is proud of this young lady and all that she has achieved, we wish her well at the camp.

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