Alexander karelin at 50.. Legend live forever

Alexander Karelin (Russia), a non-existent wrestler who made numerous legends, Alexander Karelin (Russia) said to be "the strongest man of mankind" or "to defeat gorilla only to teach fighting sports", on September 19th, 50th birthday .
 The homepage of the Russian · wrestling association publishes articles of memorial photo collections and praise to Karelin, etc. on the end of the birthday. I praised the achievements of Russian hero once again.
 He won the 3 rd Olympic Games and 9 nd World Championships and achieved the world's 12th overall.In the 2000 Sydney Olympic Game, I was aiming for the 4th consecutive Olympic Games in the wrestling world that was unexpected, but it was not realized by losing to Rulon Gardner (USA) in the final.
 However, I have won twelve times in the European Championship for the past 13 years, not knowing losing in domestic and overseas. It is estimated that it has marked more than 300 consecutive wins, and it is a player who remains permanently in wrestling history.
 After retirement, more than 17 years passed but in the wrestling world still legendary player who can say that there are not any people who do not know "Karelin" even now. If the Japanese team's expedition to Russia encounters Karelin, everyone wants to take a commemorative photo and its name value is alive.
 I would like to look back on wrestlers who are out of hand.

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