Three months after the operation, she began to ask for fees. How Irina Orgonova returned to the carpet

Silver medalist of the 2014, 2015 and 2016 World Cup Irina Orlonova celebrated her return to the carpet with a victory at the International tournament for the prizes of Alexander Medved in Minsk. On the first start after the injury, an uneasy recovery and his desire to quickly return to the side of Irina Ologonova story WRESTRUS.RU correspondent Asie Alimova. - The first tournament after the injury went well, - said Irina Ologonova. - We went to these competitions specially to see how my leg behaves in combat conditions, and at the same time check the functional state. Funktsionalki, of course, a little more is not enough, but to start normally. The leg also does not fail. I fought carefully, I did not bring up dangerous situations. - Many athletes after such injuries say that they feel the joint in a completely different way ...

- I read a lot about how the operation is performed and how it is restored after it. There is an opinion that after it disappears speed. Until I felt this. But even if this is so, you can always earn something and fix it. - Why did you choose the Bear tournament as the first start? - Usually this tournament takes place in the spring, but this year it was held after the World Cup. Among the participants were mostly young athletes and for the first check after the injury this is what you need. The most interesting thing is that the last time I competed in the tournament in Minsk, I fought in 2009, when I was in the youth team.

- How long did you not compete in the competition? "Nearly nine months." In general, the doctor recommended me to start working on the carpet eight months after the operation. And it turned out that I was given an estimate before the World Cup, and I started working on the carpet a month and a half earlier, in early July. But of course, this is not enough to prepare for the World Cup. - The doctor did not swear? - And I did not go to him, he did not know. I plan to show myself the other day, that he sent me on a good journey. - Where did you do the operation and recovered?

- The operation was done in Ulan-Ude and also spent the first two months of recovery here. Then I went to Moscow to the 85th hospital. And then I started to go on fees. Was in Sochi with the national team, when the girls were preparing for the European Championship, then with the team of Buryatia - in Ossetia. - And does not bother you at the training camps as a spectator? - Of course, when everyone worked on the carpet, I looked and thought: "How can I fight!" Especially when there was preparation for the European Championships, I really wanted on the carpet. But still recover at the training camps better. At home, then one, then the fifth, then the tenth, somehow knocks out of the rut. The first three months of recovery, I was at home and so tired of being there that she herself was asking for training. For so many years, I'm used to this mode of life, and at home I could not think of where to put myself.

- How do you feel about changes in weight categories and rules that will come into force next year? - Positively. A weight category up to 57 kg is very suitable for me. Weighing in the day of the fight is also good - no one will drive very much. It is difficult to recover within two hours after the firing. If there is a stable weight and a small striking with the second weighing, there will also be no problems. But I, I think the whole fight will change, everything will be completely different.

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